Faith in God

Scripture Reading - Galatians 3:26 KJV

For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.

Greetings fellow believer in the Awesome Name of Jesus may God’s Grace smile upon you this day while he fills you with all Peace. Today we will continue speaking on the topic of “Faith”. We started with the associated message of “Your Faith” which highlighted each believer's need to develop their own “faith” so that they can successfully overcome the challenges we face day-by-day. Surely God placed “faith” on this earth for every person to use it to accept Jesus Christ as their own personal Lord and Savior according to Ephesians 2:8,9 KJV which states, “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.” Expounding on those two specific verses we clearly understand that God has His part and we have our part. God’s part is huge in comparison to our part because not only did God give us all the spirit graces & gifts to be saved He also gave us all the “faith” we need to be saved. Our part is much easier and smaller in comparison to God’s. Our part is to believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ and use the “faith” God gave us to confess Jesus as our personal Lord and Savior. God was (and always is) faithful to do His part so all that is left is for us to do our part of believing that God raised Jesus from the dead to pay for all our sins and iniquities. We start with hearing the Gospel of Jesus Christ, then we believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ wholeheartedly and next we simply confess that Jesus is my Lord and Savior out loud because we now want (as a disciple of Christ Jesus) the whole world to know that Jesus is my personal Savior. We also want the whole earth to believe that Jesus is God’s chosen Savior of the world. We took a little extra time speaking about Salvation because it is such an important part of God’s Will because Jesus the foundation of the House of God, The Great Rock which shall never be moved. You must come to “Salvation” first before you will ever understand “faith” and how it works both generally and specifically. General “faith” in God believes The Lord will take care of the big picture and especially the big picture concerning our future as the children of God. This general “faith” believes God is on The Throne and He keeps me safe while I am living upon this earth. This general “faith” in God believes that Jesus is coming back soon to take us away from this present evil world (some refer to it as the “Rapture”). This general “faith” we have in our heart is more common among all believers because many churches include some of these beliefs in their church doctrine. Therefore the church members accept them as truth and strongly believe them. The major difference between using your “faith” to believe these more common truths is that they typically don’t address the everyday problems we face on this earth. For example your general “faith” believes there is no sickness or disease in Heaven! We (ihlcc) also agree and speak Yes and Amen! However, if I am experiencing sickness today while living on the earth am I going to look at the words of my doctor for healing or am I willing to use my “faith” in God’s word to provide my healing? Many we know would rather choose what the doctor stays over 1 Peter 2:24 which states, “By who’s (Jesus) stripes you were healed.” In another example our general “faith” believes that God is rich and when we get to Heaven we shall be rich too. However, not many believers use their own personal “faith” to believe that they are rich right now because Jesus gives them abundance right now, while here upon this earth. In another example our general “faith” strongly believes that our Heavenly Father God and His Holy Son Jesus Christ have complete and absolute authority over the devil and his kingdom. General “faith” confidently believes if God speaks to Satan or anything bad in Satan’s kingdom he or it (the bad thing) must obey. However we (ihlcc) have witnessed many believers who are not confident that they specifically and individually have authority over the wicked one, too. Many Sons and Daughters of God would much rather remain passive on the subject of our authority over the devil than to use it to keep Satan at bay or removed from our personal situations and circumstances we deal with in our day-to-day walk with God involving people, places and things. Yes, it takes more study time in God’s Word (the Holy Bible) and more time talking (fellowshipping) with God to clearly understand what is going on in the spiritual realm and how it relates to the natural realm but it is well worth the extra effort. Knowing more about God’s Kingdom and how it works spiritually will definitely help avoid the traps of the devil to keep you in the position of receiving God’s best for your life which includes better living for your family members too. Now we hope you understand that you have “faith” for specific things including all things needed while living here upon the earth and you also have more general “faith” that strongly believes God is awesome and He is and will do great things for us. Yes, both of these realities require your “faith” based upon God’s Word (His promises given unto us) so we must develop our “faith” so that your heart firmly believes in prospering in them both, that way we are not content to miss out on any promise of God given to us right now and/or in the future. Remember dear saint of God we are instructed to pray God’s Will in Heaven be done down here on earth according to Matthew 6:10. This scripture persuades us that God wants us to enjoy an abundant life right now/right here on earth and an even more blessed life when we live in His Heaven. Amen!